Bay Area Beer Bloggers Directory

BABB Editor
Bay Area Beer Bloggers
2 min readJan 22, 2016


The following is a current list of current San Francisco Bay Area Beer Bloggers.

If you would like to join this group and this list, please fill out this form with your blog details. And join the Bay Area Beer Bloggers mailing list.

Citizen Beer Blogs

Citizen Beer Blogs are “those not designed to promote a brewery or other business (media-based blogs are okay).” — Beer Bloggers Conference

All Over Beer by Brian Stechschulte. Documentary photography. Twitter.

All Brews by Chuck Lenatti. Bay Area beer and food.

Beer47 by Dave Jensen. Craft beer reviews, beer events, beer travel, homebrewing. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook. Medium.

Beer by BART by Steve Shapiro & Gail Ann Williams. Twitter.

The Beer Scholar by Chris Cohen. Facebook.

Beer School by John Foster & Motor. Beer School is dedicated to teaching about beer. Twitter. Facebook.

Brewed for Thought by Mario Rubio. Twitter. Facebook.

Brewing Network. Twitter. Facebook.

Brookston Beer Bulletin by Jay Brooks. The blog of Jay Brooks, one of the first and best beer blogs. Founder of the Bay Area Beer Bloggers. Twitter. Facebook. Google Plus. Tumblr.

Drink With The Wench byAshley Routson a.k.a. The Beer Wench. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram.

East Bay Beer by Jen Muehlbauer. Beer news and musings with an emphasis east of the SF Bay. Twitter. Facebook.

Grains and Yeast by Justin Tung. Beer travels across the US and San Francisco Bay Area. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram.

Homebrew Chef by Sean Z. Paxton. Cooking and craft beer. Twitter. Facebook.

Humulus Lupulus Maximus by Charlie Maier. Beer reviews, brewery visits, beer shenanigans, word.

Beer 51▫1 by Juan Fajardo. Homebrew blog and journal of things beery.

Liquid Bread Magazine by Sam Molmud + staff. Beer news related to the SF Bay Area. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Google Plus. Tumblr. LinkedIn.

NorCal Beer Blog by Mark Harvey. Beer, brewing and beer culture. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram.

Overcarbed by Simon Ford. Facebook. Instagram.

Pfiff! by Rob DeNunzio. Twitter.

Ramblings of a Beer Runner by Derrick Peterman. Blogging about craft beer and running. Twitter. Facebook.

SF Homebrewers Guild. Twitter. Facebook. Meetup.

The Beer Geek by Chris Nelson & Merideth Canham-Nelson. Blog about beer travels. Twitter. Facebook.

Ünnecessary Ümlaut by Fred Abercrombie. A surplus of geekery. Twitter. Facebook.

Wet Your Whistles by Joey & Jen McDaniel. Online guide to pubs, bars, and other watering holes along the San Francisco Bay Area Caltrain railway. Twitter. Facebook.

Industry Beer Blogs

Industry beer blogs ones operated by breweries, brewer’s guilds, distributors, retailers, or other companies promoting their beer related products.

SF Brewer’s Guild Blog. Official blog of the San Francisco Brewer’s Guild. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram.

Beer Citizen by Evan Rusackas. iOS/Android app and website for reviewing and discovering new craft beers using trait-based data. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Google Plus. Tumblr.

